Saturday, 9 February 2013

Sinking of battle ships (10 Dec 1941)

It was indeed shocking to hear the news of the British battleships, HMS Repulse and the HMS Prince of Wales being sunk on this day by the attack of the Japanese planes. Since the air power support were being cut off during northern landing two days ago, the British are unable to prevent the naval disaster.

I have a gut feeling about this war. We are going to lose. More fear invaded us and we were frightened that the Japanese soldiers would kill us all. We have to snatch for food and buy more food for storage at high prices. The rice, gain and flour prices shot up every minute and people were complaining but reluctantly buy the rice and grain at high prices. The sight was depressing to me and I hope everything can be fine. 


10 December 1941

Textbook reference
unknown.(2011). Singapore: From Settlement to Nation Pre-1819 to 1971.Singapore. EPB Pan Pacific

Website reference ( Date accessed  :10 Feb 2013) ( Date accessed  :10 Feb 2013)

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